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2 Million Cosori Air Fryers Recalled

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Recalled Cosori Air Fryers

I received an email from Cosori, and I was like… whaaaaat? A Cosori air fryer recall?

If you have a Cosori air fryer, chances are you also received a similar e-mail. 

We use our Cosori air fryer daily, so I’m glad that it didn’t catch on fire. That being said, I still wouldn’t take the risk even if it’s a one-in-a-thousand chance. I would advise you take action too.

What Cosori air fryers have been recalled?

If your Cosori air fryer looks similar to the above photo, there’s a good chance yours is one of the recalled ones.

To be 100% sure, find your Cosori air fryer’s model number in this chart.

Model Numbers of Recalled Cosori Air Fryers

Model Number
Cosori CO137-AF
Cosori CO158-AF
Cosori CO158-AF-RXB
Cosori CP137-AF
Cosori CP137-AF-RXB
Cosori CP137-AF-RXR
Cosori CP137-AF-RXW
Cosori CAF-P581-AUSR
Cosori CAF-P581-BUSR
Cosori CAF-P581-RUSR
Cosori CP158-AF
Cosori CP158-AF-R19
Cosori CP158-AF-RXR
Cosori CP158-AF-RXW
Cosori CP258-AF
Cosori CAF-P581S-AUSR
Cosori CAF-P581S-BUSR
Cosori CAF-P581S-RUSR
Cosori CS158-AF
Cosori CS158-AF-R19
Cosori CS158-AF-RXB
Model Numbers of recalled Cosori air fryers: February 23, 2023

I wasn’t expecting our air fryer to be on the list. But to my surprise, it is…

⚠️ Disclaimer: This list could change anytime, so for a more updated list you should refer to Cosori’s website, just to be safe.

Just a quick note, if you’re not sure about your air fryer’s model, you can check it at the bottom of the kitchen appliance.

To register for the recall, head over to the Cosori website and fill out the registration form, which can be found at the bottom of their webpage.

Other thoughts

It’s unfortunate that this issue has put a dent in Cosori’s credibility, especially since their air fryers are usually top performers.

However, I’m glad they took swift action and didn’t brush off the problem.

But for now… I need a replacement; any possible replacement from Cosori will likely take time, given that there could be 2 million recalls.

How about you? What are your thoughts on this?

Have you experienced any problems with your air fryer? If so, you can share your story with us.

Replacement Air Fryers

You can get a replacement from Cosori. However, you can’t choose what model (at least from our experience). At the same time, you also can’t get a refund (or at least it’s not easy).

So, if you want more control over your new air fryer, here are some ideas:

Instant Vortex PlusNinja 4-Quart Air FryerInstant Vortex Mini
Instant Vortex Plus Air Fryer
Ninja AF101 Air Fryer
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Get at Amazon today→Get at Amazon today→Get at Amazon today→

In fact, these are all our latest addition to the fryit.co family.

One that’s really small (and affordable), a medium size, and a large size. This’ll be perfect when testing recipes!

Replacement air fryers after Cosori recall

Anyway, is your air fryer among the recalled ones? Tell us in the comments.

Further reading

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